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About the artist:
Peyton Scott Russell is an accomplished artist and instructor from Minneapolis, MN.
He discovered art as a small child, and much of his inspiration came from such youthful passions as dinosaurs, comic strips, fishing, and the great outdoors. He was first introduced to graffiti art in 1984 as a high-school student through the film Style Wars, which he says had a profound effect on him. From that point forward, Peyton devoted his time and energy to graffiti art.
Peyton’s portfolio of high school art, images of nature, and graffiti-influenced works earned him acceptance to the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), from which he graduated in 1991. He became a professional artist and art instructor, founding arts organizations such as My House Gallery, House of Daskarone, Juxtaposition Arts, and Art House Education. Through these organizations, he taught and directed classical visual fine arts with non-traditional art to youth, and he encouraged students to be professional artists by focusing on portfolio development, artistic interpretation, and exhibition.
Today, with the help of the Bush Foundation Fellowship Program (2012-2014), Peyton is focused on his new arts project, SPRAYFINGER. He is dedicated to teaching, studying, and practicing Graffiti: The Art of Creative Lettering. His mission is to increase awareness of graffiti as a teachable art form by working with schools, teachers, and artists on curriculum design, outlines, and lesson plans to deepen the understanding of a long-misunderstood art form.
Via NE Sculpture, Peyton was commissioned to do a mural, "DAESKSON" at Hook & Ladder Apartments. He collaborated on the mural with his son Daesk.
You can find Peyton online at and @houseofdaskarone