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Jungeun An (JJ An) is a Korean artist with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from the University of Alberta. Her works stem from identity, memory, and trauma. JJ pulls narratives from experiences pertaining to her bi-nationality. This attention to her own cultural and ethnic background provides works with diversified perspectives and unique infusions of culture.
Artist Statement:
I explore the harmonization of form and material, utilizing a wide range of mediums to create works that convey a sensory impression.
I like to play around with textures and patterns, which helps to translate my overarching theme of expressing self, particularly abstracted
versions of self-portraits. With this underlying theme, I look into specific memories and attributes of my life, such as bi-national identity,
sexual trauma, and neurodiversity. Many of my works depict eyes and repetition of eyes because I find them to be the most beautiful,
reflective and vulnerable part of the human body. Apart from figurative works, I enjoy depicting imaginative spaces in my paintings.
I break away from the traditional way of presenting paintings by modifying frames and substituting paint with unconventional materials
such as found objects, plaster, and construction supplies. I like to think of my paintings as a sculpture of sorts or shadow boxes
that can be held, touched and played around with.