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Julie is an artist telling visual stories. Julie's work focuses thematically upon describing Indian cultural experience through personal metaphor. Julie draws from stories across plural American Indian traditions and utilizing motifs within a context of cultural identity. Instead of being illustrative, her intent is to weave a personal story along with the narrative of her culture.
Julie Buffalohead's tribe is originally from northern Nebraska. In 1876 the Ponca were forcibly removed at gunpoint to Oklahoma, and a third of the tribe died on the journey from starvation. Native American cultural knowledge is transmitted through storytelling. In Julie's work characters who are caught within the human condition interact together in a tragic-comedic cultural framework.
Julie's develops her work in response to social concerns and phenomena that exist in America today. This includes the movement to draw attention to missing and murdered Indian women, social justice issues, and recently the Covid pandemic.
Instagram: @Juliebuffalohead